1997 01.12
Founding Pastor Kwanjun Chu preached the first Sunday sermon. Pastor Evelyn Chang was appointed to the education ministry.
1997 12.21
Rev. Kibaek Lee was appointed as interim pastor.
2001 09.02
Rev. Myungho Yoon appointed as organizing pastor.
2002 06.09
The church was organized under the PCUSA Eastern Korean American Presbytery and installed Rev. Myungho Yoon as the first pastor of the organized church. Ihnsoo Lar was appointed as elder. Sooyoung Shin installed as elder; Keumsoon Kim was appointed & Jungsoon Lee, Kyunghak Lee, Sookmyung Chu installed as kwonsa.
2006 03.05
Rev. Evelyn Chang installed as second senior pastor under the PCUSA Eastern Korean American Presbytery.
2012 01.01
Adopted house church ministry model (based on the restoring the New Testament Church) and started house church.
2012 04.22
Celebrated church’s 15th anniversary and installed Youngsun Choi and Thomas Kim as elders and Angela Carroll as kwonsa.
2013 09.01
David Chang was appointed as pastor for English speaking congregation.
2015 05.31
Kwonsa Angela Carroll and Deaconess Christine Chang were installed as elders.
2017 01.08
Celebrated church’s 20th anniversary. (Sermon: Rev. Myungho Yoon, Congratulatory Message: Rev. Hyon Chun Kim, EP of EKAP)
2019 04.01
Rev. Daniel Yang was appointed as lead pastor for English Speaking Congregation
2021 08.04
Rev. Yale Park was appointed as lead pastor for the English-speaking congregation.
2021 09.19
Rev. Yale Park installed as associate pastor under the Eastern Korean American Presbytery, PC (USA) Khimson Masola and Michael Suh were ordained and installed as deacons.
2023 01.08
Rev. Evelyn Chang retired. Rev. Yale Park was installed as the third senior pastor under the PCUSA Eastern Korean American Presbytery. Celebrated church’s 26th anniversary.
1997 01.12
개척 당회장 고 주관준 목사의 설교로 첫 주일예배를 드리다. 장경혜 전도사가 부임하다.
1997 12.21
이기백 목사가 부임하다. (사임- 2001.5.20)
2001 09.02
윤명호 목사가 부임하다. (사임-2003.8.31)
2002 06.09
미국장로교 동부한미노회 소속으로 조직예배 및 윤명호 제1대 위임목사 취임 나인수 장로 취임. 신수영 장로 장립, 김금순 명예권사 추대, 이정순, 이경학 주숙명 권사 임직식을 갖다.
2006 03.05
미국장로교 동부한미노회 주관으로 장경혜 목사 제2대 위임목사로 취임하다 (은퇴 - 2023.1.8).
2012 01.01
신약교회의 회복을 추구하는 가정교회를 모델로 삼아 목장을 세우다.
2012 04.22
창립 제15주년을 감사하며 최영선, 김홍교 장로 장립, 이미란 권사 임직식을 갖다
2013 09.01
장재진 전도사가 부임하다. (사임-2016.10.30)
2015 05.31
이미란 권사, 장윤진 집사가 장로로 장립하다.
2017 01.08
창립 제20주년 기념 감사예배를 드리다. (설교: 윤명호 목사, 축사: 김현준 노회사무총장)
2019 04.01
양대니엘 목사가 부임하다. (사임-2020.12.31)
2021 08.04
박예일 목사가 부임하다.
2021 09.19
박예일 목사 PCUSA 동부한미노회에서 부목사로 위임하다. 킴슨 마솔라, 서용규 안수집사로 임직하다.
2023 01.08
장경혜 목사가 은퇴하다. 박예일 목사가 제 3대 위임목사로 취임하다. 26주년 감사예배에 이취임예배를 드리다.